With 20 years of bone breaking, blood squirting violence, the greatest athletes of all time finally gave themselves a much-needed break! After 2,598,423,887 body slams and 3,888,923,512 headlocks the kids over at Doomsday were ordered to have a little R&R! And you know what?! THEY HATED IT!
They missed the feel of punctured lungs! The sound of cracking spinal cords! And the blood curdling screams of the fine citizens of Houston! So! We’re going to need all of you reading this to make your way to Bad Astronaut Brewing Co. the night of Saturday, August 10th so we can satiate all of our needs! All your favorite wrasslin’ favorites will be live and in person! Larry Christmas! Poundcake! Tex Lonestar! Doll Face! 110% AL, The Chest Hair Assassin and many more! Plus the exciting debut of The Golden Child!
Get your tickets now and join us in the depraved world of violence and comedy that is just over the bend! It’s been too long Houston. All Ages!